The best profession must be that of a Meteorologist. It seems to be the only job where you can guess what is going to happen, take credit when you are right, blame someone else when you're wrong, and not get fired. Poor Mother Nature, for having to take the rap, so often, and from so many.
Thanksgiving Day 2014 |
I'm grateful this day for a multitude of reasons, but especially for my #1 guy, for our Tiffin Allegro, and of course, Lucy! I'm thankful, too, that all the predictions fell short for our immediate area and we were only teased with about an inch of snow, at most. The photos that follow are time-lapsed from Croton and a few shots from our ride up to Washingtonville, NY this afternoon, where the predictions were more on target.
9:30 am Wednesday |
12:30 pm Wednesday |
Thanksgiving morning |
9:30 am Wednesday |
12:30 pm Wednesday |
Thanksgiving morning |
9:30 am Wednesday |
12:30 pm Wednesday |
Thanksgiving Day |
Driving along the Palisade's Parkway |
Deep thought for the day: "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." ~~ Oprah Winfrey
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