Major stop #2 along our 3rd Great Big Adventure found us in Monument, Colorado, which is one of the two closest RV parks to our granddaughters, Nina, Lola and Emma. This campground was a better fit for us opposed to where we stayed last year. This was a quiet, serene and woody park that provided us with a soft spot to land every evening. The only negative comment I would mention is that we could hear the endless hum of traffic on Interstate 25, but it only turned out to be a monotonous sound that soothed me to sleep (when sleep was had).
First sight. What a welcomed one... |
Seeing Lola for the first time in a year! |
Mommy with Emma, who needed a bit of time to remember us. |
The time we spent here was a whirlwind of fun, laughs and even some tears. I couldn't believe how much all three had grown since this same time last year. The Face Time chats helped with the progression of change, but it pales in comparison to seeing them (and hugging them) in person.
On our first Saturday, the girls slept over in Little Miss and we had a full evening of crafts, snacks and a movie - Underdog! The next morning, Nina and I made bacon, eggs and waffles for breakfast. It was such fun working alongside of her in our limited-spaced RV kitchen. My little girl is such a mature young lady and has accepted the responsibility of "big sister" in an admirable way.
Mani/Pedi Time |
Last year when I visited, I got the opportunity to take each of the girls, separately, for a "Special Day" day together. This year, we repeated that tradition with Nina going first. Our initial stop was to a nail salon, because Meema was in desperate need of a pedicure. From there, we hit the stores at the Outlet Center and then went out for dinner. The evening ended with a visit to Smart Cow for a "make your own sundae." Papa George really liked Smart Cow.
Shopping with my glamour girl. |
The following day belonged to Lola. After a haircut we shopped around at Target, had dinner at a local pizzeria and squeezed in a stop at Smart Cow before heading back home with her bag of goodies. Papa George is loving Smart Cow.
Pizza was her choice of food for dinner. |
Loving this little beauty...notice the writing on the wall above our heads. |
Lola - and a double rainbow! |
Thursday found us picking Emma up at daycare and whisking her off to the hair salon for her haircut. She sat very still and was so well-behaved.
Poor Emma has been suffering with a really bad "owwie" on her knee. She did a fine job skinning it, not once, but twice and just looking at it makes me cringe with how much it must hurt. Special Meema powers helped to get the old bandage removed, which was actually causing more problems, opposed to helping. Lots of love, gentle cleansing and magical re-bandaging helped nature takes its course.
The pain from her "owwie" was diminished by a fun day in the Target toy aisles. Other shoppers were smiling at her and her comments as she went from aisle to aisle, talking up a storm. This was the most I've heard her speak since being here!
After much time narrowing down her choices, we headed home with her booty and took a nice long nap. While she slept, I assembled her little doll bed and had it all ready for when she awoke. I filled the remainder of her nap time with folding a mountain of laundry. Three little girls sure do accumulate a lot of dirty clothes. As I folded it all, I couldn't imagine how my "single-mother-daughter-in-law" gets it all done. My hat goes off to her and I'm proud of how well she balances such a full plate.
Still waking up from her nap. |
Remembering that she got some goodies! |
Dinner that night was Chinese take-out and afterwards, we made our last visit to Smart Cow. Although it was Emma's turn, she didn't mind that her sisters came along for the fun. After the third trip, but Papa George finally got tired of Smart Cow.
On Friday evening, we all went to the Clear Sky School Fair. Memories from the NC Crew's School Fair assured me that it would be a tiring and exhausting night. Up and down stairs, in and out of the building, around and about the interior - searching for little girls' rooms, locating the kick ball field and playground, and then back inside for more games, games, games found me dragging and eager for a chair and a glass of wine. It was actually a fun night and I even passed my 10,000 goal on my Fitbit. Returning home, it dawned on me that Meema/Grandma needs to get into "School Fair" shape before the next one if she wants to see happy, smiling faces.
Here are a few snaps of the fun.
Nina smacking the lever with a heavy hammer. |
Lola, next up for a bean bag toss. |
Happy Emma, getting pushed by Papa George. |
Lola enjoying the ride. |
Seriously considering the strategy for this game. |
"I'm not too little to play." |
Saturday brought us to the girls' second sleep-over in the RV. While in Walmart earlier in the day, Papa George bought the DVD, Jungle Book, which was to be the main feature for the night. The morning began early (6:30 am) for us retired folk, and after a repeat breakfast spread, we had fun in the playground and completed an arts and crafts project of bead-jewelry making.
Lucy survived and everyone had fun.
On Sunday evening, the visit inevitably came to an end, but not until after showers, baths, teeth were brushed and books were read. Extra-special Meema kisses were planted upon three beautiful little faces and I bid my sad farewell, until next time. It is always difficult for me to walk out the door and away from the apartment. The ride back to the RV was long, dark, quiet and blurry.
Meema, Lola and her American Girl Doll that looks like her. |
Jewelry making in progress. |
A smile to melt your heart. |
Bejewled... |
Deep thought for the day: Boulevard: noun, a broad thoroughfare; a monumental link between important destinations.