I had begun this post way back in May, but never posted it. I decided to update it and include it in my blog to document our life's journey - whether good or bad. So, while a bit out of order, here is my long-saved and updated post of "Life, as we knew it..." You don't need to feel obligated to read it, unless you suffer from CoVid boredom.
Life was a routine that we followed with our eyes closed. We enjoyed, loved, hated, looked forward to or dreaded days, but never paid much attention to the minutia in our daily lives - like toilet paper.
COVID-19 taught us much about life through the poor souls it claimed and by the extreme political battle that ensued.
All of a sudden, we needed to disengage "auto pilot" and fly on our own. Our thoughts, behaviors and feelings changed. Fear was felt and, defiance was exhibited.
The best and worst were brought out in people and it was rewarding to witness selfless generosity and bravery, but disappointing to see it met with selfish disregard by more people than I had dreamed possible. Behaviors, such as hoarding sanitizing products, food, and even firearms, along with proclamations of one's civil rights to not wear a mask, became the daily stressors blasted on the news endlessly.
When the virus hit the plains states, meat factories were slowing or shutting down due to employees contracting the virus. Tons of food were destroyed due to not having the means to prepare it for shipping, or to get a trucker to move it cross-country.
It was interesting that the most "essential" workers, besides those in the medical and First Responder fields, were our farmers and the lower wage earners at Home Depot, Lowe's, grocery stores and pharmacies. When we do get out into the world to shop, we should thank all those who risked their health and safety because their store didn't close or they had no choice but to work.
People mark certain events in their lives by the major catastrophes they've lived through. I have several: I have the "time before or after" my mom passed away, the "time before or after" the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, the Viet Nam War, my diagnosis of Type I Diabetes, the World Trade disaster, Pentagon attack and the crash of United Airlines Flight 93, and the time before and after my first marriage.
Sounds, the texture of a fabric, a mention of the date, or songs can ricochet me back in time and I can feel the hurt or pain as if it had immediately happened. A new "time before or after" is in the works as we travel through the Twilight Zone of "The Wuhan, China Virus," the Corona Virus, the Sars-2 Virus, CoVid, CoVid-19 and the last moniker assigned - the "Novel Corona Virus."
Many young people today have only vague memories of 9/11 or of the other events I listed above, including, but not limited to World War I, the Spanish Flu of 1919-20, the 1920 Stock Market Crash, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, World War II or the Cuban Missal Crisis. CoVid-19 might just be their first "before and after."
Surreal - Grand Central Station in March 2020 |
Sight along I-95 in New Jersey
Pick a mask, any mask.
Photo Courtesy Aleta Weyrick, Smokey Sky in Central-costal Oregon from California, Oregon and Washington State Fires. Taken before sunset.
Depending upon your source for news, that's where you will obtain your collection of lies and half-truths as it relates to the true origination, accurate cause and effect, and treatment options of CoVid. There are also mega amounts of data being manipulated in different ways by different States, doctors, citizens and neighbors. I have decided to believe NO news station that is owned by a conglomerate, where the news is "directed and written by" the people who will make the most money from viewers that tune in to watch. For example, CBS/Viacom is owned by National Amusements, an entertainment and movie theater industry that owns Paramount Pictures, CBS News, CBS Radio. Guess who is telling your news anchors what to wear, what to say, and how to say it? ABC is owned by Disney, and they inflict their skew on the news. Since everything in Disney Land and Disney World is an illusion of what the "Imagineers" want you to believe, so is the news they are doling out. The news we receive is the result of the movie industry and Disney's head CEO. Why do you think so many actors and actresses spout their political opinions? I 'm still waiting for Goofy and Dopey to be interviewed on the 10 pm news.

States were slowly lifting their bans on businesses, and while I feel the news has over-inflated the entire pandemic, I know it is a reality, and the economic, social, physical and emotional toll has been devastating. As we approach the fall and winter of 2020, a vaccine is supposedly becoming available, but so too is the flu season. As of the update to this blog entry, states are now enforcing bans again due to the rise in CoVid cases. Houses of worship and schools are the main culprit due to people beginning to return to their "old normal," but, they are in denial that their "old normal" is no longer.
News has skewed this virus into a political joke, hoax, pharmaceutical exaggeration and a divisive tool being used against the citizens of this country. I no longer know who or what to believe. I don't believe in the number of deaths that hospitals reported, because they received money for every Covid death, even if a person died from being hit by a bus, but tested positive for CoVid. I believe it was intentionally created and spread by China as a passive/aggressive means of warfare. I believe that washing your hands often, avoiding crowds and wearing masks is the way to go for now.
Each person who reads this blog today is a participant in a historic era. I wanted to document what I observed and experienced. It will be interesting to see if even one child kept a diary of how this tragedy unfolded and how it effected their lives. I don't think many really understand the enormity of it all, because it hasn't even fully played out yet.
Generations to follow will hear stories about living before and after these times. Historic moments spun together in a wild tapestry made up of pieces of CoVid, a super hurricane season, BLM, worst West Coast fires ever, the first hospitalization of a sitting president, a contentious presidential election, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes happening in areas not inclined to have them, about those who did and did not survive, the sacrifices made by ordinary heroes.
The grandmother who raised me is frequently on my mind and I can hear her words and know how she would act if faced with this hardship. She survived the Great Depression and told me many stories of what she had to do to overcome the many obstacles she faced, like the food rations and shortages, having to pawn her wedding bands and engagement ring, my grandfather working away from home, and having to eventually go on "Welfare," something she found degrading and embarrassing. Fortunate for me, I listened.
We, like everyone else, stocked up the necessities and adjusted our calendars and ways of approaching little things like:
During all of this, the world did not stop turning and things did not stop happening, The "new" normal played out and some handled it better than others.
I shall end this on a positive note. I feel fortunate to be where I am and who I am with. I thank God for the timing of certain things. I pray that the world will emerge from this better than before. That time spent with family will again be important. The well-being of our friends will be more in the forefront of our minds. Life will be considered precious and lived more to the fullest - for all.