
Friday, April 8, 2016

Busy bees, nasty mosquitos and time flying by...

We're noticing more often of how quickly time is passing us by, and never more so than at the beginning of a new month. We find ourselves looking at each other and saying, "Where did last month go?" Well, most of it has been spent just living every day, normal, retired life. Days tend to begin later and nights never end early.

A necessity we've accomplished has been to establish ourselves with Florida doctors, which can be time consuming and sometimes just a shot in the dark. We have been fortunate to locate a family practice doc, a podiatrist, a chiropractor, dermatologist and a fabulous dentist. We've gotten off to a great start thanks to friends' recommendations and Internet searches. Most importantly, and just by chance, I found nice hair and nail salons. I discovered it is harder to let a different hairstylist cut my hair than have a strange phlebotomist draw my blood. Go figure. 

"G" has been a busy bee "buzzing" around our lot non-stop. He's built a loft in the shed, began insulating the walls, hung blinds on the windows for privacy and installed air vents to help with heat build-up. He also installed fence posts at the front sides of the property that have solar panel lights on top. He even added our lot number to one, making us more easily found by the UPS driver! A few of our neighbors have joined in on this new look and our whole corner is sporting matching posts, lights and numbering.

We've made several trips to the four Disney World Parks, which are a fun way to get a lot of exercise incorporated into our day. Attending with friends or even just by ourselves is always an adventure and a treat.

Zika Mosquito
No type of "camping experience" exists that doesn't include mosquitoes, but plastered on the news of late, and subject of conversations by the pool, have focused on the newest health scare that has hit Florida and now spreading throughout the US - the Zika Virus. This virus originated in Brazil and is contracted by being bitten by an infected mosquito. I am diligent about keeping my spray can of Cutter handy at all times.

Spoiled Rotten Cat
Not to leave Lucy out of the equation, she's been living the "Life of Riley" within the walls of Allie. She has her routines, and lest we forget one, she repeatedly reminds us of what it is she wants; be it a snack, a brushing, nap time in the closet, or to move something off the dash so she can jump up. She doesn't need words, her little mewls and actions speak volumes! Here she is basking in the sun as she lounges in her scratch pad saying, "What?"

Deep thought for the day:  Don't miss the starting gun...ready, set, LIVE... ~ vc

Credit for the deep thought inspiration goes to Pink Floyd...Click HERE to listen to the masterpiece, Time.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain. 
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today, 
and then one day you find ten years have got behind you. 
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

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