I don't know if anyone noticed, but I've been off the grid for quite some time and I'm officially announcing that I'm back and ready to rock and roll. It's been quite awhile since my last entry and so much has happened since October. I've also just started the planning and scheduling for 2016 and our next "Great Big Adventure" - a trip to the Pacific northwest!
When we arrived at Elite in October, I felt like our journey had come to an end and there wasn't much to contribute that would interest anyone. Then, it dawned on me that being on the road is really only a portion of our "life's great big adventure," so I decided to get myself motivated and back on track with plans, progress and living life to the fullest.
January 1, 2015, found us right here at square one, taking in the sights and sounds of Elite Resorts, in Clermont, FL, which was to be our main winter destination. We booked for two months straight and had planned a slow trip back to NY, but plans, like the weather, can change fast and we found ourselves loving this place and wanting a little piece of heaven to run away to each year once the temperatures began dipping up north.
We ended up staying until March and then met up with son, Glenn and family in Boone, NC. We got the opportunity to see their beautiful log cabin, nestled in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountain and watch him and the three daredevils snowboard at Appalachian Ski Resort. Great time, great memories.
April Fool's Day found us pulling into Croton Point Park, and settling into a still snowy and muddy campground that was recovering from a very snowy winter. The whole month was spent emptying out what remained at our house. We spent days selling furniture, donating to charities, and packing up special items too precious to sell. We arrived at the point of no return! For me, it felt wonderful, but for "G," I'm sure a little bittersweet.
The month of May had me mostly seeking medical care due to one injury after another. Besides all of my routine check ups with just about every specialist, I filled way too many of my days with physical therapy for a broken ankle.
In June, I reached a major milestone (the big 6-0) and am beginning to feel the strain of all those years on my bones.
June, July and August were a whirlwind of get-togethers, food (Stromboli) and celebrations with our families and friends. It all flew by way too quickly. I'm so glad I've kept up the blog, because the details are written and won't get lost in the fabric of my mind.
My partner in crime.... |
Not to diminish any special time I spent with all of those I hold dear, I do need to mention that one of the best parts of my summer sojourn was becoming fast friends with a fellow RV'r and her family. She helped to make the summer go fast and furious - a real adventure, in spite of the fact that she had messed up her foot pretty badly. At one point, we were both in those tall, black, hot leg braces at the same time. Sympathy loves company, and company loves chardonnay! All summer long, we shared quite a few bottles of wine, impromptu meals, stories, laughs and tears. It was hard to pull out of site 71 without a lump in my throat.
September found us on the road to Colorado to see the other three grandchildren. It was a fabulous adventure and we enjoyed two incredible weeks with them.
The first two weeks of October were spent making the trek from Colorado to Florida and we arrived safe and sound after visiting National Parks, caves, a zoo, Historic Route 66, and Tiffin Motors. We made a lot of happy memories and learned from a few mistakes. A very good combination.
November was unseasonably warm here in Florida, so I spent the days in the pool and exercise room. I was making an early resolution to get into shape and feel great. Once more, like the weather, things change. Thanksgiving was spent without any family. A first for the two of us and I thought I'd be okay with it, but discovered that without family, the holidays are just not much fun. We had each other, thank God, but next year, we plan to hang out until after Turkey Day.
First and last Thanksgiving Dinner at Cracker Barrel. |
New Year's rang in with a bunch of local fireworks. "G" slept through them, but Lucy and I watched from the living room window. I vowed a multitude of promises, resolutions and re-commitments as I coughed in the new year. I don't think any are completely unattainable, so we shall see what 2016 brings.
I've spent most of the last four weeks (coughing) recuperating and watching as our landscaping is being planted, our shed delivered, irrigation installed and additional pavers at the ready for completion. Next week should find it all done and ready for a few before and after photos.
Our life adventure - to be continued...
Deep thought for the day: Philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche was right when he said - "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," but I love Kelly Clarkson's vocal rendition better.