
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bitz and PC's

The "contenders"
With only two weeks left at Elite Resorts, I decided to compose a blog of  miscellaneous bits and pieces of interesting, fun and/or informative things. 

One of the most fun things we have participated in while here are the "Gator Races." There are 5 gators and one T-Rex (?) who advance on the table based upon the roll of two dice. So, if the dice toss up a 3 and a 6, those two gators advance one space. The roar of the crowd got pretty loud at times, especially when doubles were thrown. I bet most on Spicy Lime and Sour Grapefruit, but got the biggest payout on Juicy Orange.

It is silly, but boy, a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time I found myself laughing and hollering so much.

Spicy Lime and Juicy Orange helped me to walk away a winner.

"He who hates his picture taken" actually enjoying the crazy crowd and cheering on his gator.

"G" placing a big bet! - Ray causing trouble.

Some of our pavers (and some of our neighbors)
Ironiclly, as we wind down the last five days of our sojourn, work has finally begun on Site 233, which shares a common corner with two other sites. It's sort of like the Bermuda Triangle. All three lot owners are having paving work done and plans are in the works for shrubs, trees, rock border and sheds. Work is almost completed at site 205 and we are supposed to get our base layer and pavers tomorrow. It's going to be very close for us to see the job to completion. It has been quite a task struggling to be patient.

Tuesday, March 17th
My view from the kitchen window.
"G" and I both felt that the lot we decided upon met all our requirements and since it is at the top of the hill, I gave it the moniker "Snob Hill." Not because anyone up here are snobs, but just to distinguish us from the lower section. Everyone says Florida is flat, well, Lake County, where we are located, has the highest elevation "in the peninsula" of Florida (credit for this last statement goes to Ray, who makes sure to let everyone know this fact). So, we do have rolling hills here and the unspoiled acres of land are slowly being transformed from Orange Groves to housing developments. Back in the 1980's, most of the citrus crops were destroyed due to three deep freezes that each occurred two years apart. The third was the nail in the coffin for the fledgling plants and farmers. Some moved further south where most of the citrus is now grown.

 Yesterday, March 17th, we enjoyed a wonderful Irish dinner down at the club house along with a traveling family of six who played many Irish songs and some folk music. They were all very talented, but the 14 year-old son was a spectacular violin player. He, and his 20 year-old sister could definitely be candidates for Julliard. Quite a talented family who each played either one or multiple instruments and sang.

I have no photos of the evening, but did get to enjoy the food, entertainment and company.

Site 71
Our friend (my Man of Honor), Charlie, made a trip over to the site where we will be staying in Croton beginning April 1st. It looks like I'm going to need boots to brave the mud that has already begun to form from all the melting snow. I'm not looking forward to an April arrival, but am looking forward to seeing our families after too long a time.

An update on Lucy will end this blog entry. She has been a real trooper during her adjustment to living full-time in Allie. I "Googled" cats age, compared to human years and found out that she will be turning 70 next year. Considering that, I can only hope that I can hop, jump and play as well as she does when I'm her age - but only if I have "G" to care for me as lovingly as he does her. 

The basket was just to secure my desktop while in motion. When empty, a resting place.

Another new spot that provides a ton of sun.

I just thought I saw a puddy cat....I did! I did!

Bird watching.

Deep thought for the day:  Time, although sometimes it seems, never stands still. Patience is a virtue I am still striving to master.

1 comment:

  1. As the man says, "Life Goes On.."....and you've got a lot going on. I find it amazing what has taken place for both of us since the last time we were at the Croton RV Park. Think back to those days and ask yourself if we had an inkling of what was before us. Whew! And, as you know, the best is yet to come. See you soon. Once it get warmer, I may sneak in a weekend just to de-winterize Winnie.


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