
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Update from Croton

It's been a little while since I've had a chance to sit and blog. I've had so much to upload and share, but have been either too busy or too tired at night to get my entry composed. This afternoon (or "preevning," which is the time between 4-6 pm) I decided to get my thoughts in order and document the last couple of days before they are forever gone from my memory banks.

On Saturday, my cuginas (cousins) from White Plains, Lisa and Mauritzio, came up for an early dinner. As usual, "M" brought up his infamous Stromboli of which I am addicted, and I put together a bowl of tortellini with bolognese sauce and a salad to create a feast for the gods. The food was delicious and the company terrific. Charlie joined us for dinner and our friends Kathy and Ray stopped by before having to leave for a barbecue. We have taken so many photos of food, fires and fun, yet we devoured the Stromboli before snapping a "before" photo. What follows is what remained! 

On Sunday, Charlie hosted a get-together of current and retired staff from HHSD and we enjoyed catching up with them and partaking of his spread, which consisted of pizza, salad and garlic knots. I've eaten enough for a year since being here.

Speaking of being here, we were supposed to leave yesterday, but, as I should have expected, "G" booked another week here, so I'm composing this entry from our "newly assigned space 14."

As we have observed, "In they come and out they go." Just now, a real zinger backed in and hooked up in the spot next to us. It's a converted bus. What follows is a photo of it parked behind our two vehicles.

The wife appears to be a bit loud and bossy, while the husband seems to be "on an age" and hard of hearing, thus, the sights and sounds leave much to be desired.

On a pleasant note, Lucy is enjoying space 14 quite a bit due to the abundance of birds and squirrels. She is spending more time out and about, looking for her fine-feathered and bushy-tailed friends. 

Well, it's just about time to begin prepping for our evening meal. "G" is having pork chops with baked potatoes and I'm having escarole and beans with grilled cod.  I can taste it already.

Deep thought for the day:  To each, his own. To own a nice rig is a blessing.

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