
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Walking with Willow

As another beautiful day unfolded at Croton Point Park, I spent the morning preparing the dinner we would have tonight, did a load of laundry and neatened up Allie. I was expecting visitors today and wanted to be able to spend some quality time with them. My littlest visitor thus far, has been my niece, Willow, who has actually been here before and enjoys running in the open grassy field near our rig. There is a playground with a tire swing and slides that got her giggling with joy.  Her Uncle Steve was the one who swung her up high and placed her on the slide for me to catch on her way down.

It is enjoyable to watch a little one learning new words and using them appropriately.  Today's new word was, "Mine."  She clutched her little ball and informed us all to whom it belonged. When we ask her questions she nods her head and says, "yeah."  She was agreeable to just about everything we asked.

Willow, her mommy, Uncle Steve and I went for a long, enjoyable walk down to the tip of Croton Point. The very same path I took my grandkids just a few days ago. It is so peaceful, serene and lush that it has become my favorite exercise route.

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