
Friday, May 23, 2014

Bird Watching

Today's weather was quite interesting.  It started with rain, the sun broke through for a couple of hours, I began this post during a thunderstorm, and now it is just raining lightly.

I decided to take advantage of that break in the rain to get in some exercise.  I tried a different route today, daring myself to be adventurous, and believing I knew how strenuous of a trek I would encounter.  Throw Type I diabetes into the mix, and any exercise at all becomes more challenging. I followed my normal routine of testing my glucose levels and packing up my backpack with a snack and cell phone.  "G" was not at camp, and I wanted to feel independent, so off I went into the wild blue yonder.

The walk was breathtakingly beautiful.  I climbed up to the highest point of the park and was able to see far up and down the Hudson River due to the clear skies.

I met up with a couple of bird watchers and we exchanged small talk about birding.  I was in awe at how they identified so many birds just by their songs, like Barn Swallows and Thrushes.  I was able to narrow down one or two, but there was one that sounded just like a cricket, except it only "chirruped" once instead of twice. The birding couple didn't recognize it either. I have seen a Baltimore Oriole, while here, that literally took my breath away. Birds are so entertaining to the  visual and auditory senses.  Have I mentioned that before?????

Once our pleasant chat ended, they headed east, while I ventured westward.  About 20 minutes into my walk, my blood sugar began to drop, so I suspended my insulin pump, had my snack and continued walking, but more slowly.  I ended up walking another half-mile before reaching the campground and I felt my level dropping lower and lower.  I had thought about stopping, but that wouldn't have prevented my blood sugar from dropping.  I made it, but just barely.  Next walk will find me hauling a heavier backpack loaded with snacks and a juice.  My conundrum....eating causes me to gain weight - exercise results in my needing to eat.  Hummm. As Kermit The Frog sang, "It ain't easy being  green."

Lucy update:  Today, she was out for two hours this morning and about 5 hours tonight.  She has made her favorite spots known; two of them being the dashboard and back window sill.

Deep thought for the day:  Don't be afraid to take risks or push yourself.  Just always be prepared!


  1. Good afternoon. I'm about to drive down to the Croton River Walk for my "first" walk of the season....after I pickup lunch at Giovanni's. Your thought for the day is true and appropriate; I'm surprised you didn't have the goodies in your pack....for either event.
    FYI, I'm posting this comment on my bedroom computer, I'm using Chrome, and posting works; The computer, however, is running on Windows 7, not 8 like my laptop. Once I receive your email, I click on the topic of the day (link) which brings me to the site. Deep thought for the day: "Whatever....."

    1. You should have stopped by here. I walked this morning too. Would have loved the company.


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