
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Oooh, that smell. Can you smell that smell?

There is an old Lynyrd Skynyrd song called "That Smell," that is actually about drug addiction and bad life-choices that rot a person.  Today, I uttered those lyrics to "G" because there was a terrible odor coming from "la toilette."  It seemed we made a poor life-choice and it was rotting in our holding tank. We were able to quickly narrow down what was causing the disturbance, and it turned out to be Lucy's, so-called, flush-able litter.  It seemed to have clung to the tank walls and was fermenting. Oooh, that smell....

Our neighbor gave us some advice, and "G" set out on the sewer job without hesitation. At one point during the process, there were four of us staring at the draining pipe and saying, "Oooh.....Ahhh."  We laughed at how ridiculous we must have looked to our other neighbors.

I'm happy to say that all's clear now and we are up and running just fine.  Good thing we had an expert on board Gracie and a helpful friend.

On this gorgeous, sunny and warm day, we had to move out of space 37 and across the road to space 40.  We were told that 37 was booked, yet no one has shown up and I doubt anyone will. We don't think the lady in the booking office likes us. Moving caused Lucy to revert back to hermit-like behavior and she will probably need a couple of days to adapt again.

I was unable to take a walk today, but I did get a good workout making the move.  So many things needed to be moved, re-set up and re-organized.   I think we shall both sleep well tonight.

I am ready to head off to bed...I have a Scentsy heating up in the bedroom.  Tonight's scent is lavender. Oooh, that smell, can you smell that smell?????  It's much better than this morning's!

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