
Sunday, July 26, 2015

KOA New York City North/Newburgh a.k.a. Plattekill, NY KOA

The name of this KOA is a bit deceiving, since it's about 85 miles from New York City, but it's probably one of the nicest and closest to The Big Apple. We are situated in a level, gravel, wide, well-shaded, site that has a stone fire ring and a new-ish picnic table. There is a path alongside our rig that leads to the pool area and serves as a short cut to most of the amenities, which are geared to families and family fun. It boasts two pools, a cafe, a very eclectic General Store and wine store. Unfortunately for me, the wine shop is closed on Sunday's, the only day that we will be here, thus preventing me from picking up a bottle or two from some of the local wineries. 

Our drive up was uneventful except for the terrible, NY roads. You can only blame last winter's harsh weather for so long. Summer is coming to a close, and the roads will be going into the next bout of snow and ice in very bad shape. I'm glad we won't be rumbling around these roads much longer.

Tomorrow we head to Alpin Haus for our privacy shade and furnace repairs. Then, back on the road and back to Croton Point Park, our New York campground - rough gravel sites, no fire rings, old picnic tables, but a welcome spot to park Allie, our home-sweet-home on wheels.

Deep thought for the day: After taking a stroll around this lovely KOA, I entered Allie and greeted Lucy with, "Mommy's home," and smiled, because I truly feel that no matter where we park, I'm home as soon as I climb aboard. Life is beautiful. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015


It's been a while since I've sat down to compose an entry, mainly because we have been stationary for so long here at Croton Point Park, that I didn't feel that there was much to tell. However, a lot has been happening and, I guess, this is part of our Full-Time Journey, so why not document what is new, exciting, different, or just plain, "Is What It Is."

At the end of May, I fractured my ankle while exercising at the park. I had actually worked my way up to a slow jog, yet while just walking, I turned by ankle and it (too easily) fractured. Today marked my last physical therapy session and I am quite happy to have that completed. I'm determined to slowly work up to at least walking for exercise again. I am also in the final recuperation phase of a really bad virus that settled in my chest, which caused my asthma to flare up. For several nights, I was out on the pull out sofa trying not to infect "G," and give him some chance to get some sleep.  I slept with a vaporizer close by, Lucy at my side and coughed the nights away.

"G" has been visiting the dentist and suffering through a root canal, fillings and a crown. No fun, but glad it happened well before our departure date this time.

In early July, Miss Lucy went to the vet for a dental cleaning and teeth extractions. The poor thing didn't know which end was up for about 2-3 days, because she was receiving morphine for pain management. Although she is having a bit of difficulty eating hard, crunchy food, she is gobbling up her canned food and soft treats like crazy. We see improvement and even a playful kitty since the extractions (4), which may have been causing her some discomfort. 

We are still awaiting the back-ordered part to our privacy shade to arrive at the repair shop in Port Jervis. Once it's in, we will pull up stakes and head back there to get that and the furnace repaired. Since a trip to Colorado is on the horizon, we will want that furnace in good working order, because even though it will only be September when we are there, we need to be prepared for the worse case scenario - snow. A four letter word I don't like to say out loud.

Speaking of the Colorado trip, I have begun the laborious task of planning the stops along the way. We decided to make the trip with only over-night stops along the way. There will be minimal sight-seeing until we reach our first, extended stop, at Garden of the Gods RV Park in Colorado. This park is situated at the base of Pike's Peak and, if the hundreds of reviews are correct, it will be spectacular. 

The past month has found us spending our days visiting dentists, doctors, food shopping, cooking and cleaning. Just regular day-to-day living as we sit parked in our super site that allows us to see all the rigs as they pass by to either pull into the park or as they drive past us to leave. There is no one directly opposite us, or on our driver's side. It's spacious, lush and green. A beautiful site to call "home."

Deep thought for the day: I find that the longer I sit still, the more I itch to move. The foot is better and my breathing has improved. I have some scratching to do.